Mon, 29 October 2018
❤️Holy PiPeRoNi! Blame it on Stranger Things, but the Piperazzi was going through some recent premieres and ran into an interviews with Dacre Montgomery and RJ Cyler on the Power Rangers 2017 movie premiere red carpet at the Village Theater in Westwood, CA! I don’t know if Dacre’s better known for the Red Power Ranger or Billy Hargrove (the reallllly not-so-nice brother) on Stranger Things at this point! 💙Also, it was ToTaLLy-AwEsOmE meeting RJ Tyler! He’s really funny and had a ton of personality. He’s definitely well known as the Blue Power Ranger, but he’s on Scream: The Series too! So, take your (Piper’s) Pick, or even better, watch ‘em both!!! It was awesome to meet both of these guys and even better that we didn’t have to to go the Upside Down to interview them! The premier was held at the Village Theater in Westwood, CA. Hope you’re all getting ready for Halloween!🎃 Thank you so much for watching, guyz! 💖PiPeR ReeSe Talent Manager (acting, hosting and appearances): Adam Feinsilver Piper Reese (imdb) (host) is a high-energy, real, down-2-Earth 17 year old actor, MPAA accredited show host, and GenZ / Millennial Internet personality. She's conducted over 900 interviews with A-listers, producers, directors, studio execs, etc. Piper covers large scale events and on-set publicity for theme parks, corporations, and every major studio in Hollywood. As an actress, Piper is recognized from her recurring-turned-lead role on Nickelodeon/CiTV’s Deadtime Stories and multiple guest starring roles.
Direct download: Chat_with_Dacre_Montgomery_from_Stranger_Things__CJ_Cyler_from_Scream_at_the_Power_Rangers_Premiere-iTunes-720p-FINAL.m4v
Category:piperspicks -- posted at: 3:21pm PST |